Actress, singer and songwriter Caroline Lobbin has a message for her peers
With almost 30 songs written, a music video filmed and acting roles in multiple movies, you’d think these accomplishments belonged to an actor taking the spotlight in Hollywood.
However, this description checks the boxes for a rising star from Pacific Beach who is finding her way in the film and music industries with a message for people her age: stand up against bullying.
Caroline Lobbin, 11, has been acting since age 3 and singing for most of her life. She’s been featured in a variety of films including “Maybe Someday,” “The Last Piece of Cake,” “It Begins Now” and “Arlo’s Clubhouse.”
“I have been singing and acting since (I was) a toddler,” Caroline said. “I’ve always loved acting and it’s always been a part of me. When I was seven, I decided I wanted to do professional acting.”
Now Caroline is taking her music and acting platform to the next level by promoting a message through her music.
“I want to create something that’s my own because I feel like in the world there aren’t enough singers that spread a message. Singers all over the world are so talented, but I think one message that isn’t spread enough is about bullying,” Caroline said. “If I can put my songs out there and help kids like me who struggle with bullying, then they will maybe feel better inside and I want everyone to feel better about themselves.”
After experiencing bullying at a young age, Caroline said music has been her outlet to cope with difficult circumstances.
“Music has helped me so much through that. It makes me feel like this weight is lifted off my chest,” Caroline said. “When I come home from school or start writing or singing, I feel relieved on the inside. I feel okay.”
Now, her goal with her music is to help others feel heard too.
On Sept. 17, Caroline performed live at an anti-bullying event. She sang originals, some of which were created based on experiences persevering through bullying.
“In elementary school, I’d always get picked on for not being good at sports,” she said. “I wrote a song about this. In PE class, I’d be chosen last for their team. No one would want me on their team and that drove me to write more songs.”
Her songwriting career began alongside the rise of COVID-19 cases. Her mom, Karly Lobbin, said she noticed Caroline had been journaling and singing a lot. So she ended up getting her daughter connected with a vocal coach, Heidi Rojas and, eventually, a production/song engineer, Kris Towne.
“(Her coach) would ask her what she was writing in her journal and (they would) start writing songs from them,” Lobbin said.
This collaborative process is what led Caroline to develop her platform and use her music for the anti-bullying cause. Specifically, Caroline’s goal is to use her music to reach people her age.
“I think what speaks to (listeners) is they’re not alone in what they’re going through,” Caroline said. “Sometimes I’ll see what other kids are going through and sometimes I’ll write about other children’s experiences with bullying. I think it’s important to recognize how people get bullied in different ways.”
With music role models like Sia and her song “Unstoppable,” Caroline said she’ has felt empowered to stand true to her identity and encourage others as well.

“I kind of have come to realize, especially with bullying, that life is too short to be what others expect you to be or be what everyone wants you to be. You have to be who you want to be and be happy inside,” Caroline said.
Although a young performer, Caroline recently performed her first gig at TBS Tavern and is continuing to do talent shows and anti-bullying events. But, her family’s goal is to help her know how to set boundaries for work-life balance at a young age.
“I really want her to have a normal middle school experience,” Lobbin said. “It’s really important.”
As a sixth grader at Francis Parker School, Caroline has been learning to balance school with her music and acting aspirations. Her daily routine includes schoolwork, working on her music writing, attending a vocal or piano lesson or going to tennis practice.
“I just started middle school,” Caroline said. “It’s been hard the first week because it was a lot of work at once. Everyday it’s getting easier and I’m getting used to it.”
While her dreams are still taking shape, Caroline said her goal is to continue developing her voice and grow.
“I’m at an age where my voice is a little young,” she said. “I think it’s just going to get better as the years go on. And that’s what life is about — growing and growing.”
For Lobbin, seeing her daughter step into music and acting with a greater goal in mind has made her proud.
“I guess to us she’s been this way since she was little,” Lobbin said. “Since we’re with her every day and have seen everything that’s transpired in her life, we know how she’s gotten here. We’re extremely proud.
“When we step back and think about everything, it’s hard to believe she’s only 11,” Lobbin said.
“I’m excited about spreading the word about helping kids,” Caroline said. “This is something we can’t do alone. If you’re being bullied or struggling with bullying, please talk to an adult.”
To learn more about Caroline or stream her music, visit carolinelobbin.com.
OCT. 5, 2022 4:46 PM PT